Friday, June 25, 2010

Aaron Brothers!

After a well deserved nap I went to Aaron Brothers framing last night and got 6 frames. They are having their big buy-one-get-one-for-a-penny sale. We aren't talking 4x6 frames. It was more like 18x24, a one sheet frame, 20x24.... it was awesome. Everything is to hang it. I will post pics soon.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Sleep Study

It should be called the "No sleep study" cause that is what you get. None. After a day of no caffiene and no naps I show up early (8pm) ready to go to sleep. The tech lets me in, and continues to do her work, kind of annoyed that I am early. So I read. She finally takes me back and starts the crazies. She is nuts. But the nice kind of nuts that makes me feel bad for calling her nuts, but if she knew I was calling her nuts she would agree with me. She was super nice, but crazy.

I am ready to get the show on the road! She says we have 3 hours (!) of stuff before I get to sleep.

Fast forward to 12:30 when she starts putting 30 wires all over me, including 6 on my scalp. The A/C is set on 67 so I request extra blankets. Listen lady, 67 is TOO COLD!

I fell asleep quickly, then around 5am I was wide awake. Ready to go home! She makes me sleep a little longer, then at 6:15 she comes in to begin removing all the wires. She gives me a hug and lets me leave. The whole way home I am praying that I don't see any neighbors or anyone I know (our gym is at the end of our street). I am just beginning to thank my lucky stars when I see a 20-something male walking to the gym. I am officially crazy too.